Spain Cultural Center
Bogotá, Colombia

This project originated from a competition carried out through the Colombian Society of Architects and the National Presidency commissioned by the Embassy of Spain and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECI). An invitation was made to 8 Colombian architectural firms, of which we were the winners. Our decision is to create a collective space integrated to the new development of the sector with an emphasis on the image of the city. Being a cultural center, it is a priority to provide service areas to the general public. We understand the recreational potential of the place and for that reason we establish a continuity of the public space towards the interior of the building.

The building's program contains: 2 exhibition halls, a multipurpose auditorium, an auditorium for recitals, a library, a restaurant, workshops for artists, 2 residences for interns, an administrative area.

Integration to the public space.
Connection with pedestrian mobility and integrated transport systems.
Belonging to the network of district and national cultural and educational services.

Juan Manuel Peláez
Juan Esteban Ramírez
Sebastián Mejía
Edgar Mazo
Daniel Peláez
Luis Callejas

Date: 2007